The Only Type of Sales That Works For Today’s Advisors

Jun 29, 2021


When you start associating sales with building relationships and creating influence, it takes your prospect meetings to a whole new level.

In this episode, Matt Halloran talks to Shauna Mace, the founder of Inspire Growth, sales consultant, and Certified High-Performance Coach™, to redefine the traditional sales approach, which often has a negative connotation and feels pushy. They uncover the most important sales fundamentals and explore new ways for advisors to grow sustainably by building trust with prospects.

Shauna discusses:

  • How role playing before actual meetings helps you fine-tune your messaging
  • The art of listening to uncover the deepest client needs
  • Ways to win prospects through passion, authenticity, and vulnerability
  • A shift in mindset that will help you embody the modern sales approach

